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Ansible modules to interact with Distributed-CI (DCI)

A set of Ansible modules and callbacks to ease the interaction with the Distributed-CI platform.

Get Started


There are two ways to install dci-ansible, either via rpm packages or directly via Github source code.

Unless you are looking to contribute to this project, we recommend you use the rpm packages.


Officially supported platforms:

  • CentOS (latest version)
  • RHEL (latest version)
  • Fedora (latest version)

If you're looking to install those modules on a different Operating System, please install it from source

First, you need to install the official Distributed-CI package repository

# dnf install

Then, install the package

# dnf install dci-ansible


Define a folder where you want to extract the code and clone the repository.

# cd /usr/share/dci && git clone

How to use it


The modules provided by this project cover all the endpoints Distributed-CI offers.

This means that this project allows one to interact with Distributed-CI for various use-cases:

  • To act as an agent: Scheduling jobs, uploading logs, and test results.
  • To act as a feeder: Creating Topics, Components and uploading Files.
  • To complete administrative tasks: Creating Teams, Users, RemoteCIs.
  • And more...

For any of the modules made available to work with the Distributed-CI API, one needs to authenticate itself first.

Each module relies on three environment variables to authenticate the author of the query:

  • DCI_CLIENT_ID: The ID of the resource that wishes to authenticate (RemoteCI, User, Feeder)
  • DCI_API_SECRET: The API Secret of the resource that wishes to authenticate
  • DCI_CS_URL: The API address (default to

The recommended way is to retrieve the file directly from or create it yourself in the same folder as your playbook:

$ cat > <<EOF
export DCI_CLIENT_ID=<resource_id>
export DCI_API_SECRET=<resource_api_secret>
export DCI_CS_URL=

And then run the playbook the following way:

$ source && ansible-playbook playbook.yml

By now my dci-test/ folder looks like this:

$ ls -l dci-test/
total 837
-rw-rw-r--. 1 jdoe jdoe 614 Oct 19 14:51
-rw-rw-r--. 1 jdoe jdoe 223 Oct 19 14:51 playbook.yml

File organization

Since the modules of dci-ansible are not part of Ansible, one needs to tell Ansible where to look for the extra modules and callbacks this project is providing. This is done via the Ansible configuration file.

The Distributed-CI team recommends that you place an ansible.cfg file in the same folder as your playbook with the following content:

library            = /usr/share/dci/modules/
module_utils       = /usr/share/dci/module_utils/
callback_whitelist = dci,dcijunit
callback_plugins   = /usr/share/dci/callback/

Note: If you installed the modules from source, please update the paths accordingly.

By now, my dci-test/ folder looks like this:

$ ls -l dci-test/
total 1014
-rw-rw-r--. 1 jdoe jdoe 177 Oct 19 14:51 ansible.cfg
-rw-rw-r--. 1 jdoe jdoe 614 Oct 19 14:51
-rw-rw-r--. 1 jdoe jdoe 223 Oct 19 14:51 playbook.yml


The following modules are available to use with Distributed-CI in your playbooks:


The following examples will highlight how to interact with a resource. The remoteci resource will be taken as an example. The same pattern applies to all Distributed-CI resources,

  • Create a RemoteCI
- hosts: localhost
    - name: Create a RemoteCI
        name: MyRemoteCI
  • List all RemoteCI
- hosts: localhost
    - name: List all RemoteCIs
  • Update a RemoteCI
- hosts: localhost
    - name: Update a RemoteCIs
        id: <remoteciid>
        name: NewName
  • Delete a RemoteCI
- hosts: localhost
    - name: Delete a RemoteCIs
        id: <remoteciid>
        state: absent

Examples of real-life scenarios are available in the samples/ directory.


We'd love to get contributions from you!

If you'd like to report a bug or suggest new ideas, you can do it here.

If you'd like to contribute code back to dci-ansible, our code is hosted on Software Factory and then mirrored on GitHub. Software Factory is Gerrit-based. Please contact us if you feel uncomfortable with the workflow or have any questions.

Running tests

Before running tests, you must familiarize yourself with the dci-dev-env project.

dci-dev-env is a Docker-based environment that will deploy a Distributed-CI Control Server API, the UI, and more. Once deployed locally, you can run the test suite against this deployment.

To run the test, ensure the API is running by running docker ps and then simply run ./ in the tests/ folder

Generating modules doc

If you change or add any documentation for modules, use this command to generate the Markdown documents out of the DOCUMENTATION and EXAMPLES variables from the modules:

$ make clean doc


Apache License, Version 2.0 (see LICENSE file)


Email: Distributed-CI Team